SAN ANTONIO – It can be overwhelming to find the perfect car for your lifestyle and budget.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you’re car shopping:

Vehicle’s purpose

First, you need to decide if your new car is going to be strictly for commuting in the city or for cross-country road trips.

If you plan on driving hundreds of miles each month, find a car that fits your lifestyle and driving needs.

Price range

Only you know your budget range. Do your homework to see which vehicle models you can afford.

Size of the vehicle

How big of a vehicle do you want? Do you want a sporty two-seater, mid-size SUV or a truck? The size of your next vehicle is extremely important. Owning or leasing a vehicle is a major investment.

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Before you go to a dealership, look at different car models online to see which size fits your lifestyle. Do you want a sports car for the weekends or a mid-size SUV that has plenty of rooms for kids?


Do you want a car that’s been gently used or do you want a car that is going to last for years?


If you want all the bells and whistles new cars offer, check out all the latest smart technology in vehicles.

Consider if you want seat warmers, tinted windows, Wi-Fi capabilities, Apple CarPlay or Bluetooth.

For more information, visit or call 210-635-5000.